Configure Budget Activity (Project Admin)

Configure Budget Activity (Project Admin)


Activities can be added by users who have a management license. Activities are customizable by project and allow to:

  1. Break down your budget
  2. Consume time datas from your daily report (timesheet)
  3. Associate activities to a subcontractor
  4. Filter submittals
  5. Break down an invoice

To add activities,  go to the Project Admin and click on Budget activities tab. These will then appear in the Budget section of your project. 

You can add your budget activities either by unit or in batch mode. 

We are sorry, for the moment being, this video training is only available in French. We will provide eventually an English version.

Access and functionality by permission

Limited Permission (Project Admin)
  1. Allows you to view all activities available in the project. 

Permission Admin (Project Admin)
  1. Allows you to : 
    1. View all activities available in the project. 
    2. Add, edit and delete budget activities.
    3. Import budget activities.
    4. Edit the display of an activity in daily reports and timesheets.
    5. Edit with batch actions, your budget activities.
    6. View activity associations. 

  1. View the history of changes in the Budget Activities section of the Project Admin.

Add an activity

1. To create an activity, click on the button.


2. Complete the form that follows. 

Here is a short explanation of what each field means: 

Code:  Costing codes identify the type of work performed on a project and are usually assigned to a specific division within a specification. Many companies choose to base their project cost code structures on the NMS,  Canada's National Construction Master Specification. An alternative can be to design a unique cost code structure to meet your specific business requirements. 

Name: Identify a name for your activity, or assign divisions as per the NMS specifications.

Planned hours: Set the planned hours per activity in order to track consumption. 

Parent: Select a parent activity if the activity you are creating is a subcategory of another activity.

Check the Show in daily reports box if you want this activity to be available to your users when logging a timesheet or daily report. 

3. Click Save Changes


Add multiples activity in batch 

If you already have a similar structure in your accounting system that can be downloaded through excel, you can import your activities through Dreeven's template.

1. To do so, click Import.

2. Download our template. 

3. Organize your excel so that you have the same columns as those proposed within our template. 

Here is a short explanation  of what each column means: 

Code:  Costing codes identify the type of work performed on a project and are usually assigned to a specific division within a specification. Many companies choose to base their project cost code structures on the NMS,  Canada's National Construction Master Specification. An alternative can be to design a unique cost code structure to meet your specific business requirements. 

Name: Identify a name for your activity, or assign divisions as per the NMS specifications.
Planned hours: Set the planned hours per activity in order to track consumption. 

Show in daily reports (and timesheets):  Write TRUE or FALSE if you want this activity to be available to your users when logging a timesheet or daily report.  

Parent : Write the parent activity code to create a tree as needed.

4. When you are ready, import this excel by clicking on Choose a file
5. A validation table of your additions and/or updates will be displayed so that you can have an overall view. 

6. If everything is to your liking, click Import at the bottom of the table to import your activities. 

Still need assistance? Do not hesitate to write to us at

Activity in a timesheet or a daily report

In order to ensure that an activity is available in your timesheets or daily reports,  you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the Project Admin via Budget Activities tab.

2. Click on the Pencil icon of the activity to edit. 

3. Check the  Show in daily reports option.

4. Click Save Changes. 

Good to know...
It is also possible to edit in batch your activities by checking the activities to be edit and clicking on a Batch actions option.

Delete a budget activity 

 1. Go to the Project Admin section, Budget activities tab. 

2. Click on the trash can icon of the activity you wish to delete. 

3. Confirm your action by clicking OK. 

  1. You can delete several activities quickly  with Batch Actions.
  2. If certain activities are not deleted, this means that they have been selected in your project. To find where it's been selected, you can click on the Association icon attached to each activity. You must change each association to this activity in order to delete it.
    1. An association to a validated timesheet cannot be changed.

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