


A timesheet is a paper or digital detailed document that is used to record an employee(s) hours for payroll purposes. it is a well structured and defined document that simplifies the management of employees' working hours.

We are sorry, for the moment being, this video training is only available in French. We will provide shorty an English version.

Access and features available

Limited permission
  1. Provides access to the Timesheets module, My Timesheets tab, online for : 
  2. Create and submit timesheets. 
    1. Shared mode access included.
  3. Copy timesheets from previous weeks in draft mode to speed up entry for the current week.
  4. Export timesheets in PDF format for one-week periods. 

Extended permission
  1. Allows access to the Timesheets module, My Timesheets tab, online to : 
    1. Create and submit a timesheet for yourself. 
      1. Access to shared mode included.
      2. To be able to connect workers to their session, to submit their timesheet, via shared mode.
    2. Copy timesheets from previous weeks in draft mode to speed up entry for the current week.
    3. Export timesheets in PDF format for one-week periods. 
    4. Access shared mode to allow other workers to create their timesheets from their device. 
  2. Allows you to : 
    1. Access the To be validated tab from the online Timesheets module.
      1. Validate, modify and reject timesheets for workers who have selected this user as first-level validator. 
    2. Reconcile workers' timesheets in a daily report. 
    3. Create timesheets for other workers from a daily report.

Admin Permission
  1. Allows access to the Timesheets module, My Timesheets tab, online for : 
    1. Create and submit a timesheet for yourself. 
      1. Access to shared mode included.
      2. To be able to connect workers to their session, to submit their timesheet, via shared mode.
    2. Copy timesheets from previous weeks in draft mode to speed up entry for the current week.
    3. Export timesheets in PDF format for periods of one week. 
    4. Access shared mode to allow other workers to create their timesheets from their device. 
  2. Allows to : 
    1. Access the To be validated tab from the online Timesheets module.
      1. Validate, modify and reject timesheets for workers who have selected this user as first-level validator. 
      2. Reconcile workers' timesheets in a daily report. 
    2. Create timesheets for other workers from a daily report.
  3. Allows to :
    1. Be assigned, from the Approval tab, as an approver in the approval process after initial validation. 
      1. Approve, modify or reject a timesheet after initial validation. 
    2. Export timesheet data to an accounting system. 
      1. Freeze timesheets after approval. 
    3. Export multiple employee timesheets in PDF format. 
    4. View and export employee expenses from the Expense Accounts tab.

Configuring a Worker's Timesheet

Before using Timesheets, you must complete tje employees files, complete the company settings and configured your projects within the Project Admin.

Complete the employee file 

As a superadmin, from Company Settings you need to go to different sections: 

Construction trades

1. Go to the Construction trades section. 

2. Add all the trade codes and names associated with your employees.

The codes must be the same as in your accounting system. When the payroll is exported, Dreeven will send the trade code to your system to generate the correct hourly rate. 

License management

1. Go to the License Management section and click on an employee's e-mail address. 

From the file, complete the following fields: 
  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Employee number
  4. Employee PIN (if using shared mode) 

2. Now click on the Trades and skills tab of the employee file. 

3. Add all your employee's trades and skill levels. This information will be added to the default timesheet and sent to the accounting system at export time. 

4. Don't forget to select a default job for your employee by clicking on the star to turn it yellow.

Good to know...
The default trade should be the one your employee does most often. The aim is to avoid him changing his trade most of the time. 

5. Click on Save button to finish entering the employee file.

Configure the company

Depending on your accounting system and the requirements of your projects, you will need to configure the following sections from the Settings menu: 

  1. Expenses and premiums
  2. Hourly Rate
    In this section, you can configure the default rate (regular, double time, vacation, etc.) for employees.)
  3. Annexes
    Annexes are managed from company settings, but from a project work shift (Project Admin), you can assign a default annex to your employees.
  4. Sectors
    Sectors are managed from company settings level, but from a project work shift (Project Admin) , you can assign a default sector to your employees.

Configure your project

Settings must be configured for EACH project. You must configure a template project, and when you create a new project from your template project, the timesheet configuration is copied.

There are 4 types of timesheets: Regular, Punch, Manager and Trucker. In this section, we'll look at the basic configuration, i.e. the regular configuration. The other configuration types are options to be added. These will be discussed later in this article.

1. Click on the appropriate project in order to select it. Click on the Project Admin functionality, then click on the Daily Reports tab. 

2. Fill in the relevant fields, in particular the Configuration tab, which will allow you to select the responsible supervisor for the first level of timesheet validation, and which will give access to the reconciliation of these timesheets to the daily report.

3. Press the Work shifts tab and click the Add button.

4. Fill in the relevant fields, mainly hours start and end, breaks and default fields associated with the shift, such as Sector and Annex.

You can assign a an annex and a default sector to your workers from a work shift. If you have several sectors for your project, you can create several work shifts so that your employee doesn't have to change his sector himself. 

5. Click on the Save button.
6. The Timesheets tab is used to determine the different options for creating, logging, restricting and validating and approving a timesheet.    

The operation of verification and approval will be covered in a later segment.

7. For an employee to be able to create a timesheet, he or she must : 
  1. Have at least one Timesheet license.
  2. Limited Timesheet permission for the project in question. 
  3. Have an assigned shift
  4. Have a designated manager from the Configuration tab in the Daily Reports section of the project Admin. 
Let's assign a work shift to your employees from the Team members section.

8. Let's switch to list mode to give you access to batch actions. 


9. Check the employees you wish to assign to the same work shift and click on the pencil icon.

10. Select Edit team members and complete the next steps: select the applicable shift and confirm your action.

You can assign a trade and a site to your workers by default by completing their employee record via the License Management.

11. You can configure to show some of your budget activities so your employee can choose the phase he works in. Here is the procedure. In order to ensure that an activity is available in your timesheets or daily reports,  you can follow these steps:

a. Go to the Project Admin via Budget Activities tab.

b. Click on the Pencil icon of the activity to edit. 

c. Check the  Show in daily reports option.

d. Click Save Changes. 

It is also possible to edit in batch your activities by checking the activities to be edit and clicking on a Batch actions option.

Validation of timesheets for office timesheets

You can create work teams at company level to assign a team leader.

The manager will be the default validator of manager/truck driver timesheets and will be notified. The validation display will be restricted to this manager. For a validation within a project for a regular timesheet, go to Project Admin, Daily Reports section, Configuration Tab. 

If you also have an approval process following validation, the timesheet will be visible to assigned approvers and managers with timesheet admin permission.

1. Create the work team and assign a manager from the Work teams section.

2. From the team manager's employee file, available in the License Management section:

  • Your manager must have a management license.
  • Have the Employee checkbox selected.
  • Have the Supervised teams timesheet validation checkbox selected from the Global Permissions card.

Important explanations regarding the project configuration

A manager does not need to be a member of the project team to validate or reject a timesheet. However, to modify a timesheet, the manager must be a team member with extended timesheet permissions. A manager who is a team member with admin timesheet permission can see the timesheets of all employees, regardless of team. For a manager to see only his team from the To be validated tab, he must have extended timesheet permission for all projects.

3. From the employee file of users creating office or trucker timesheets, from License management :

  • Your user may have a timesheet, superintendent or management license.
  • Have the Employee checkbox selected.
  • If applicable, have the Office timesheets and/or User can specify the activity's start time.
  • Have the Only the work team supervisor can validate checkbox selected from the Timesheet Options card.
  • You can use batch operations from the License Management table to check this box for all your employees.

Configuring timesheet approval process within a project

By default, you can program the supervisor to approve regular and punch timesheets for a project from the Configuration tab in the Daily Reports section of Project Admin. Should you wish to have multiple levels of subsequent approval, here are the steps to follow. 

1. Go to the Project AdminApproval Process tab. 

2. Create the desired process for this project. You can have as many levels as you like. Depending on the verification options checked for this project, all approvers can modify the timesheet at any level, and the worker will be notified of any modifications. Approvers of the approval process must have Admin permission for the timesheet module, i.e. a Manager license. 

3. Go to the Approval tab in the Timesheets section of the project admin and select the process you have just created. 

Explanation of approval 
Once the timesheet has been validated by the designated supervisor, the approval process begins and the first approver is notified via the bell icon. This notification takes him/her to the Approval tab of the Timesheets module. The first approver can then approve, reject or edit the timesheets.

Submit a Timesheet

The essential timesheet elements and the advanced elements depend on the employer's configuration. To submit a timesheet you must have at least the limited permission of the timesheet module. 

Complete a Timesheet – Basics Elements

1. Click on the Timesheets button. From a computer, the link will be at the top of your page. From a mobile device, the button will be at the bottom of the interface.

2. Select the specific day for which you to want to create a timesheet by clicking on + New Timesheet below your date. 

3. Indicate the specific project that you wish to complete a timesheet. If the employee has worked on two separate projects on the same day, he/she must complete two timesheets Once complete, select the person responsible to validate the timesheet, then click Confirm.

4. On the Timesheet page, indicate the start and end times. If breaks were not taken during your shift, simply click on each break to deselect them as having been taken. 


Note:  It is possible to log additional fields within the timesheet. This will depend on the configuration made by your managers. Go to the Advanced section to find out more.

5. Enter a note to provide additional details or comments on your day if necessary.

6. Once the timesheet has been completed, click the Submit for Approval  button, then click OK  to confirm.

Complete a Timesheet – Advanced Elements

From step 4, it is possible to: 

1. If you need to log activities, click the Add Activity button.

o   Indicate the number of hours devoted to the activity. 

o   Select the activity from the drop-down list

o   Select a construction trade if it is not displayed by default.

o   Choose equipment as needed.

o   Select a sector if it is not displayed by default.

o   Designate your rate

o   Select an annex if it is not displayed by default.

2. If more than one activity was performed during the same day, simply click the add activity button again or on mobile device the + button. 

3.  To include an expense to the timesheet, click the Add Expense button or the + button on mobile. 

o   Select the type of expense in question, either Parking, Meals, Odometer or Other.

o   Indicate the amount of the expense.

o   Enter a note if necessary.

o   Add an attachment like an image of the invoice, if needed.

4. Enter a note to add additional comments on the day if required. 

5. Once the timesheet is complete, click the  Submit for Approval button , then  click OK  to confirm submission.

Sudmit a Timesheet in Shared Mode


From Company Settings go to License Management,  you must add a PIN number to each employee who will complete a timesheet. 

Access to Shared Mode

To sudmit a timesheet in shared mode, a superintendent or manager, with at least the Extendes permission, must go to the Timesheets module from the My timesheets tab, and click on Shared device mode. 

The split mode option will show on a regular tablet or iPad when your tablet orientation is set to horizontal. Th Shared device mode button will not by display on a mobile. 

Complete a timesheet 

1. A selection window showing all team members is displayed. As an employee,  you must select your unique username. 

2. Enter your chosen PIN and click Sign In. 

3. From this point you can follow the same step as mention to complete a basic or advanced timesheet 

4. When you are finish, click End my session to return to the team member selection window.

Validation of inter-project timesheets

As a manager, you have the ability to track the weekly acceptance of your employees timesheets.

1. To do so, go to the employer interface (1) of Timesheets 

2. Click the To validate tab. 

3. Navigate through all of your inter-project employees that have submitted timesheets from the drop-down menu to  validate the timesheet data. 

4. You must confirm all entries for the week per employee and click on the Validate All button for each employee in order to be able to export the data to your payroll system which is your next step. 

  1. A supervisor can, depending on the project permission, edit a timesheet before valide it.
  2. Depending on your configuration and needs, the approval process may start after the validation. To learn more about the approval process, click on this link. 

Display timesheets to be validate

To be able to validate a worker's complete week with one click, you can configure the Display of data from the To be validated tab. 
Here's how to do it: 

1. Go to the Timesheets module. 

2. Click on the To Validate tab. 

3. Click on the Settings icon. 

4. Enable or disable the desired fields.

Exporting Timesheets to Payroll

As a manager with the admin permission, it's quite simple to export timesheets into your accounting system.

1. Go to the Timesheets section and then press the Export to Payroll tab.

2. Confirm that the timesheets are in order along with present status

Submitted: Your employee has submitted their timesheet but it has yet to be reviewed.

Approved: A manager or superintendent has reviewed your latest timesheet and approved accordingy.

Accepted : Your employee has accepted the validation of his/her timesheet in accordance with the CCQ agreement.

3. Click Freeze timesheets within the Batch actions options menu. 

Freezing the timesheet will prevent workers from revising their timesheet once they have been submitted to  payroll. 

4. Click Export Timesheets to Payroll System

Dreeven provides several formats that can be used to export the timesheet data:

  1.  Dreeven format (Compatible with several accounting systems)
  2. Accounting format
  3. Maestro export - Time management - Time on project - Hours
  4. Maestro export - Time management - Time on project - Billing hours
  5. Vision - Time entry
  6. Employees Timesheets export
  7. Employees Timesheets export PDF
  8. Employees Timesheets export - Single excel file
  9. Acumba Construction - Time Entry
  10. Avantage TIME Q
  11. Avantage TIME ZONE

If you are missing data to ensure that the timesheet export is compatible with your accounting system, kindly send us an email at support@dreeven.com

Maestro Export
If you don't see these options, contact us at support@dreeven.com

Vision Export
You don't see this option, contact us at support@dreeven.com

Employees Timesheets Export
You have a visit from the CCQ and you want to have a quick visual support with the signature of your workers? Select Export Employees timesheets and you will have access to all your workers' timesheets organized by folder and by week. 

Employees Timesheets Export - Single excel file
You want to minimize the number of clicks in case you want to print the timesheets, this excel file includes all your employees per tab instead of a zipped folder per employee like the regular Employees timesheets export.  

Avantage TIMEQ and TIME ZONE
If you don't see those options, contact us at support@dreeven.com

Manager timesheet (Office)

A manager timesheet, also known as an office timesheet, enables managers to enter a time value for several projects from a single interface, instead of entering a time in and out for each project. 


As superadmin, to configure this type of timesheet, your user must : 
  1. Be an employee of the company. 
  2. Have a Timesheet, Superintendent or Manager license. 
  3. Have the Office Timesheets checkbox in the employee file, available by clicking on the user's e-mail address in the License Management section.  

  1. An employee with this type of timesheet does not need a predefined workshift. 
  2. An office timesheet does not have a validation manager. You can build work teams from Company Settings to assign a manager and limit the display and validation of timesheets (office) to the platform's manager and superadmins.
  3. For the time being, management timesheets cannot go through the approval process.

Punch timesheet 

Punch time sheets allow employees to punch in, punch out and punch out times from their cell phone or from a control point. 

  1. The configuration options for this type of timesheet may not be available on your platform. If this is the case, please contact Dreeven support at support@dreeven.com.
  2. An employee with a punch sheet can only punch for the current day. 
  3. It is possible to add the location when an employee punches in from their cell phone. 


To have punchable timesheets, you need to activate this type of sheet in each of your projects.

1. Go to Project Admin, Timesheets section, Configuration tab.

2. Select one of the following options from the Start and End times menu: 
  1. Employee punches is work shift start and end times. 
  2. The employee punches his work shift start and end times and his lunch start and end times. 

3. To activate location, from the Configuration tab, check the box Save the user location upon punching.

Complete a timesheet

1. Click on the Timesheets button. From a computer, the link will be at the top of your page. From a cell phone, the button will be at the bottom of the interface.

2. Select the day for which you wish to create a timesheet.

3. Indicate for which Project you wish to fill in a timesheet; if the employee has worked on two projects in the same day, he/she must fill in two timesheets.  Select the supervisor, then click the Confirm button. Even if you select a shift, it will not be applied. 

4. To start the day, simply click on the Start the work shift button. 

5. As with other timesheets, you can ask your employees to complete various fields, such as trades, sector, rate and many others, depending on the configuration of your project. 

6. Your employee should leave the sheet in draft mode, and return to it each time he or she punches in. When the shift is finished, he can click on Submit for approval. The sheet will then have the status Submitted.

Truck driver timesheet

A trucker's timesheet allows workers to enter a time value, time in and time out on multiple projects from a single interface, instead of entering a time in and time out per project on multiple timesheets. 


As a superadmin, to configure this type of sheet, your user must : 
  1. Be an employee of the company. 
  2. Have a Timesheet, Superintendent or Manager license. 
  3. The user must have User can specify the activity's start time and Office timesheet check from his employee file, available by clicking on the user's e-mail address in the License Management section.  

  1. An employee with this type of sheet does not need a predefined work shift. 
  2. For the time being, a trucker timesheet has no designated validation manager on project level. You can build a work teams from Company Settings to assign a manager and limit the timesheets ( office and trucker ) display and validation to the platform's manager and superadmins. 
  3. For the time being, trucker timesheets cannot go through the approval process. 
  4. This type of sheet cannot be reconciled with the daily report.

Complete a timesheet

1. Click on the Timesheets button. From a computer, the link will be at the top of your page. From a cell phone, the button will be at the bottom of the interface.

2. Select the day for which you wish to create a timesheet.


3. Click on the + button to add hours and then select your first project. To add hours to multiple projects, simply click the + icon again. 

4. As with other timesheets, you can ask your employees to complete various fields, such as budget activity, trades, sectors, rates and many others, depending on the configuration of your project. For the truck driver timesheet, you need to complete an amount of hours and specify a start time. This will automatically calculate the departure time on the timesheet.

5. When you have finished, click on Submit for approval.

Download my timesheets as a worker

You have completed your work week and you wish to have validation of your hours worked? Dreeven allows you to export your timesheets so that you can keep them in your files with a simple click!

Via a computer 

Press the Export  button on the right of your page and choose a PDF or the excel format. 

And Voila!

 Via a mobile device

Press the blue button at the bottom of your mobile application and select Export from my timesheets PDF or Excel format. 

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